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Hacker Tools » Download -> Linux-> Hardening


Top  Tools
ModSecurity 2.6.7
ProShield 3.8.19
IP Personality V2.4.19
Bastille Linux 3.0.9
Secure rm 1.2.8
Hardened PHP 0.3.2
scponly 4.8
initscripts-vpn 1.1-1
suPHP 0.6.3
grsecurity 2.1.10
Securing & Hardening Linux v1.0
MinorFS 0.3.2
seagatex 6.40
vlock 2.2.2
Scrutinizer 1.03
SILC Client 1.0.3
Sysmask 1.08
LIDS 1.2.2 - 2.4.30
Daemon Shield 0.4.0
Hardening Patch for PHP 4.4.4 0.4.15
Slidentd 1.0.0
Linux Trustees 3.0
Enforcer 0.4 Beta
strongSwan 2.8.0
NuFw 2.0.11

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Soft Name
Hardening Patch for PHP 4.4.4 0.4.15
Hardened-PHP adds security hardening features to PHP to protect your servers on the one hand agai...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

Securing & Hardening Linux v1.0
Linux is just another operating system like Windows, Mac, BSD etc. Linux by default is not secure...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

Cerberus is an experimental tool kernel based for hardening systems. The main idea in local is th...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

Sysmask 1.08
Sysmask is a powerful and flexible security enhancement package for Linux systems, featuring inte...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

NuFw 2.0.11
NuFW is an "authenticating gateway". This means it requires authentication for any conn...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

Scrutinizer 1.03
Scrutinizer protects web applications from HTTP (D)DoS Attacks. Its a toolkit consisting out of a...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

Secure rm 1.2.8
srm is a secure replacement for rm(1). Unlike the standard rm, it overwrites the data in the targ...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

SILC Client 1.0.3
SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) is a protocol which provides secure conferencing service...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

Slidentd 1.0.0
Slidentd is a minimal ident (RFC1413) daemon which runs from inetd, xinetd, or tcpserver. It is s...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

strongSwan 2.8.0
strongSwan is a complete IPsec and IKEv1 implementation for Linux 2.4 and 2.6 kernels. It interop...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

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