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Hacker Tools » Download -> Linux-> Hardening » LIDS 1.2.2 - 2.4.30

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LIDS 1.2.2 - 2.4.30
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LIDS 1.2.2 - 2.4.30

File Size: 327KB
Description:     LIDS is:

A kernel patch and admin tool to enhance the linux kernel security
Implementation of reference monitor in kernel
Mandatory Access Control in the kernel
An active project with many helpful hackers
The features are:
Protection of files, No one including root can modify the lids-protected files.
Protection of process, No one including root can kill the protected process.
Fine-granulate Access Control with ACLs
Use and extend capability to control the whole system
Security alert from the kernel
Port scanner detector in kernel.
Download:   LIDS 1.2.2 - 2.4.30


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