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Top  Tools
ModSecurity 2.6.7
ProShield 3.8.19
IP Personality V2.4.19
Bastille Linux 3.0.9
Secure rm 1.2.8
Hardened PHP 0.3.2
scponly 4.8
initscripts-vpn 1.1-1
suPHP 0.6.3
grsecurity 2.1.10
Securing & Hardening Linux v1.0
MinorFS 0.3.2
seagatex 6.40
vlock 2.2.2
Scrutinizer 1.03
SILC Client 1.0.3
Sysmask 1.08
LIDS 1.2.2 - 2.4.30
Daemon Shield 0.4.0
Hardening Patch for PHP 4.4.4 0.4.15
Slidentd 1.0.0
Linux Trustees 3.0
Enforcer 0.4 Beta
strongSwan 2.8.0
NuFw 2.0.11

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Soft Name
ModSecurity 2.6.7
ModSecurity is an open source intrusion detection and prevention engine for web applications. It ...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

MinorFS 0.3.2
MinorFS combines a small set of cooperating userspace filesystems for Linux that provide private ...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

vlock 2.2.2
vlock is a program to lock one or more sessions on the Linux console. This is especially useful f...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

seagatex 6.40
segatex is a tool to configure SELinux policy with the help of a GUI. At the push of buttons, it ...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

ProShield 3.8.19
ProShield is a security program for Debian Linux. It helps ensure your system is secure and up-to...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

suPHP 0.6.3
suPHP is a combination of an Apache module (mod_suphp) and an executable which provides a wrapper...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

scponly 4.8
"scponly" is an alternative shell (of sorts) for system administrators who would like to provide ...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

grsecurity 2.1.10
grsecurity is a complete security system for Linux 2.4 that implements a detection/prevention/con...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

IP Personality V2.4.19
The Linux IP Personality patch adds to your Linux 2.4 kernel the ability to have different person...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

MaraDNS is a package that implements the Domain Name Service (DNS), an essential internet service...
Soft Directory:Hardening 

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